#1Past Friendsby E5.1K7820A friendship which contained, Happiness, love , care and support. »»»»»»» But suddenly it's destroyed. But not all of itg33klychicswaggyturtsfwuffyunicorn+2 more #2Reunionby E4381515A girl and a boy Hatred and developed feelings »»»»»»»»»» They had a relationship in high school And ruined by her sister. »»»»»»»»»» Her sister loves her boyfriend He...nerdzzzinfinityswaggyturtsinfinit3lov+2 more #3Laughing Stockby ELIANNAweekly1922Composed of jokes Pickup lines And Knock - knock jokesg33klychicnerdzzzinfintyswaggyturts+2 more