The Legend of Gallus (An Avatar th...by Eddie Whirlwind
(Imagine the characters from Avatar the last Airbender are the Young Six. And the other villains in MLP as Ozai and others.) Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Long ago, in the la...
Wings of Love 2 (A Gallustream Sto...by Eddie Whirlwind
Three year after the young six defeated Queen Chrysalis, the relationship between Silverstream and Gallus had got up onto a higher level. They're going towards Marriage...
Wings of Love (A Gallustream story)by Eddie Whirlwind
Queen Chrysalis had created another hive of changelings, but these time, she brainwashed every single one of them, to make sure they won't end up like Thorax. Equestria...
A vacation to remember by Philly Cheesesteak
Griffonstone can be a very hard place to live... especially for Gallus. So with nothing to look forward to when heading back home, Silverstream invites him to travel wit...