The Life Of An Absol In Skyrim: Bo...by Shadow Walker
An Absol was destined by a god to help the Dragonborn defeat the dragon race from destroying the world. On the way, disaster strikes as a dragon kidnaps his family as he...
Lavabsols Life: Book 4by Shadow Walker
The tough life of the skyrims greatest blacksmith. As his Father saved many, he must find a way to save his Fathers before its too later as his fiery heart is slowly des...
The Story Gardia, Master Of Magic:...by Shadow Walker
Gardia was a master of all schools of magic, the most powerful and accurate phychic, and the Arch-Mage, but what made her so powerful beyond everyone else in all of Skyr...
Phantump's Past: Book 2by Shadow Walker
Phantumps sends Shadow Walker explaining he is leaving for a while to learn of his past life. Who was he, where did he live, and how did he die. Only he can find this ou...