Trapped ~Book 2by Geared_Monkey
Another car wreck? Was teh wreck on purpose? Was the driver a crazy killer on the loose chasing after Briana Burrs and Xaiver? Trapped in anothre hospital, but this one...

Three Row Roller Slewing Bearingby swbtec
Three Row Roller Slewing Bearing has three rings with three raceways, so it can bear very high axial...

Empty Answer ~Book 3by Geared_Monkey
Escaped, freedom, no more crazy institution! Briana, Xaiver, and there new partner, Rugby have finally escaped the dreaded Mental and Hosptilal Instutuion. Now in Cresen...

Slewing Bearing Without Gearby swbtec
Slewing Bearing Without Gear, SWBTEC slewing bearings without gear usually include ball contact type and...

Elevator Synchronous Geared Tracti...by FUJISCH Elevator
A synchronous geared elevator motor is an electric motor that uses synchronous...

Gear and Slewing Ring Hardening So...by swbtec