Apocalyptic Academy: The Giant Run...by SuperHeroTaisen009
What if there was "Lands of Giants"? What would life be like in such lands? It would be crazy to live there. But there's a special group called the Giant Runne...
Little Planet Booties (Giantess Bu...by SuperHeroTaisen009
This is my first GTS Stories where there is another dimension where there's an Earth with Giga Giantesses with their butts so big, they're considered as planets small en...
Seven Deadly Sins: Giga Diane's Bi...by SuperHeroTaisen009
After encountering a giant mushroom, Diane was suddenly taller than any other mountain and Elizabeth was as tall as Diane was. All of a sudden, bizarre stuff has been ha...
Gentle Giantess World: Episode 01:...by SuperHeroTaisen009
The Gigantos, a space empire of female human-looking giants with heart-ended tails with terrain-warping, city-shrinking technology and peaceful intentions was at war wit...
ThunderStrikers: Part 01: The Pand...by SuperHeroTaisen009
ThunderStriker2001: A super ninja boy genius in the body of an Anime Glamrock Fredina.
He fights an enemy resistance known as the SCP Foundation and its endless waves of...