Rex Deorum [ Gravity Rush Series XI
In a world that's facing the ends of existence, Two heroes arise to save an impending disaster. However, one would come to face a reality that's far more terrifying than...
The Gravity Knight (Gravity Rush adamabyss12
Gravity Shifters, they are individuals that are capable of manipulating the forces of Gravity to their own hands, as well as having a guardian to aid them in the use of...
Nier Rush [Crossover] [Spoilers Indigo Writer
Anemone: Lisa
Popola: Cecie
Devola: Kali
9S: Syd
2B: Kat
A2: Raven
Jackass: Yunica
Eve: Cyanea
Adam: Bit
Pascal: Misai
Black Box Signals-Black Cat Signals