~Love For Asmodeus~ {A Helluva Bos...by cyrilFanFics
Happy Valentines Day! Today I present to you my latest Valentines day story of a new pairing I've created, It's something I want to make ever since Asmodeus was introduc...

~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updated)by cyrilFanFics
The sequel of Love for Asmodeus is here! I didn't really think I'd continue this story, and here I am, made this story come from, so Happy Valentines day everyone! :3

~Helluva Boss : Wicked Witch~by cyrilFanFics
Today, I present to you a New Helluva Boss story, well actually, TWO! Yes, I have two separate stories in one pack, long story short, I thought of some really new ideas...