#1_TaeLuvKook_@Herselfby Tae Loves Kook605356Well, the title says it all. It's about me, me and more me! Well, technically my friends would be in there too, obviously. But in this "book", I'm no gonna go...factslolhepp+2 more #2LMFAO ART BOOK SUSSYby MOLDY1201SUSUSUSUSartbookheppsusususu #3♦Eren Art Book ♦by Eren Mommomomommo6102527mainly will have my shit artartheppmemes #4Jamie Hepp - the President of Team...by jamiehepp9401heppjamie #5hepp!by CamelSpider3305Ozballshepp #6Jaime Hepp- a person on the major...by Jaime hepp5901heppjaime