Abiji Uchiha is a ninja from the Hidden Grass Village, a former Leaf shinobi, former Uchiha Clan leader and former Captain of the Uchiha Leaf Police Force who left both...
Amaro Otsutsuki is a ninja of the Hidden Grass Village who is the direct descendant of Ashura Otsutsuki, the son of Hagoromo Otsutsuki the Sage of the Sixth Paths. His...
Amaterasu Okami is just an average girl from the Hidden Grass Village. Well, not exactly she has a Wolf demon seal inside of her. Her clan was killed when she was only f...
Naruto is no longer a jinchuuriki of the nine-tailed fox. He becomes the jinchuuriki of legendary ten-tailed wolf. Now Naruto's journey as the new ten-tailed jinchuuriki.