How to be a good youtuberby Lemonade_Lexi
use this book if you need help with becoming a youtuber or just help in general.

How to start a YouTube Channelby HexEdgeGaming
How to start and run a YouTube channel. I try to give as many tips as possible. If you have any questions just ask.

How To Be A Youtuberby Imperial Rebel
Ever wanted to have a go at being a Youtuber? Its hard but with my help you will be well on your way to fame. By following these tips, i got 500 subscribers in 3 days.

How to be a successful Youtuberby TheCommunityChannel
Thanks for reading. Here I give you all the Tips and tricks I have from my Youtube The Community Channel.

How to be a Youtuberby ItsTheLifeIChose
Just Tips and Tricks on how to be a Youtuber from a Youtuber himself/herself. NOT saying my YouTube channel/blog this isn't a promo book.