lookismby username17492640481.4K138A guide on how to glow up. I will add more parts soonCompletedmodelbeautyskincare+3 more How to become prettyby Yashiro801This is a lovely funny book hope you enjoy this is just for fun!howtobepretty HOW TO BE PRETTY 101 by it's me✨301for all of you who wants to be like me, prettier than your mom✨howtobeprettynayeon How to be Confidentby Dark soul752407It's like a sequel or something to to how to be prettyCompletedconfidencerelatableadvice+8 more How To Be Prettyby Dark soul7.3K1619Steps towards being prettier without changing who you areCompletednonfictionbeprettyhowtobepretty+1 more Perks Of Being Ugly by perkssof3152why is it that pretty propel can flaunt it and we can't? Trust me, I make ugly look easy.perksofbeinguglyuglyöf+6 more How To Be Prettyby lolita rose5.1K637This is just a book with makeup tips and my goals in beauty. Continue reading. plz.makeuphowtobeprettybeautiful+3 more How to be pretty like meby Minion 8711howtobeprettypretty