love alarm 2by aaddiinnaahh3.8K566the story of love alarm upto episode 8 is known by all but what happens next is still a suspense ,so here I'm writing about things that happen after episode 8 in my imag...lovetrianglehardshiplove+14 more IZ*ONE: The Storyby ting1.2K275this is my first time writing so pls forgive me if I write something weirdhyebikwoneunbihondahitomi+18 more ❝𝐀 𝐘 𝐙 𝐖 𝐀 𝐍❞ by bboya𖧶32.5K1.4K115➯jokes na ewan creditsu to da other jokesCompletedchaetominakbiizone+7 more