The Legend Of The Teenage Therian...by Johan Van Wyk
Join Kenji Shedji and the ten wonderful girls he meets at his new school as they navigate a seemingly safe but in reality, really dangerous life where they will meet man...
Main Character Picture Book The Le...by Johan Van Wyk
Pictures of main characters of the story The Highschool Life Of An Anthromorphic
The Highschool Life Of An Anthromo...by NoGimmicks
NOTICE : My friend's Original book
An unspecified number of years ago there were 10 animorphic clans that were at war with each other for many years long... until a you...
| Triple H | Third Party | Hui Hyo...by Ms. Lovelee
"Where are you going?"
Hyojong was shocked by the sudden question.
"Out..with...friends?" He smiled nervously.
Hui sighed.
"Look...I'll be back...