Happy Birthday, I Love Visualizm M...by Allison Cox
All of the I Love Visualizm modules have a birthday on July 25th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.

Smiling #18's Birthdayby Allison Cox
Smiling #18, or his real name Jimmie Bunn, is having his birthday on June 14th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.

Smiling #18 Confesses His Loveby Allison Cox
Smiling #18, or his real name Jimmie Bunn, confesses his love towards I Love Visualizm Miku, or her real name Eugenia Elzinga.
This is a summary one-shot.

Smiling #18 Meets I Love Visualizm...by Allison Cox
While having fun at the movie theater, Smiling #18, or his real name Jimmie Bunn, sees I Love Visualizm Miku, or her real name Eugenia Elzinga. They decide to talk.