GarudadhvajaSundarī: Heart's Radia...by Keyura Kamakshi
Rukmini, daughter of Vidarbha's Crown Prince Bhishmaka, stood firm against the corrupt politics of Bharatavarsha and her brother Rukmi's alliance with the treacherous Ma...
PaulomīPrāṇaNāyaka: Labyrinth Of L...by Keyura Kamakshi
पौलोमीप्राणनायक - The Lord of Paulomi's Life-Breath
"Love struck them like lightning, not once or twice, but endlessly."
Purandara Indra, the resplendent crown...
Ishangre series....by Dramatic writer
I am not going to you any of the outline of the story but a few words won't harm so, this whole story roam around Ishani and Angre...