Falling for Fate: Love Beyond Boun...by Elysian Nyx
In Falling for Fate, 23-year-old Noah Thompson, a university student in the UK, signs up for a dating app out of curiosity. Meanwhile, 38-year-old Aveline Hayes, a succe...
What if you met one of the most popular idols after starting a new job?
What if maybe, something else could happen between you?
This is a fan fiction where the main cha...
A Tapestry of Dreams: The Journey...by fifi
Follow Yasmine, an ambitious 18-year-old from Casablanca, Morocco, as she pursues her dream of studying medicine in Seoul, South Korea. Amidst the challenges of a new cu...
Georgy From Georgia And Andrei Fro...by Nichole Arenas
How you love two people at the same? How can you forget someone you can't unlove?
Long Distance Heartsby
"Long Distance Hearts" is a heartwarming romance story about two people who connect through the power of the internet. Sofia, a Russian girl, and Shashwat, an...