Echoes of Fractured Realities: Stukumo3
Kira Stukumi is a seemingly ordinary teenager, but her vivid dreams reveal a shocking truth: she is connected to another dimension where an alternate version of herself...
Interwoven Fatesby Adam Bouikadoun
"Interwoven Fates" follows Lena, a London investigative journalist, and Ethan, a disillusioned Silicon Valley software engineer, as they uncover a vast conspir...
Even Forever is Finiteby alliepisc
Two lovers find themselves on a celebratory cruise, when something doesn't go to plan and they learn that even forever is finite.
"Forever my love, forever" sh...
Interwovenby Ahaava Songi
Traveling into the four different Kingdoms is a task Jongho takes seriously. As the only Prince of the Galaxian Kingdom Andromeda , he feels like it's his duty to learn...