COFFEE |KTHby Marjin
"بَريقُ عَينُكِ، كَماَ لَو أنَ لَألئَ العَالمْ هَجرَتْ مُحِيطُهاَ لِتَخْتارا مُحِيطُكيِ مَسكَناً لَهاَ"
-"هل انا واقعه الي الأمير تايهيونغ ؟
ام واقعه الي...

Mission goes wrong by Devilish_red
A dark past had happened once before.
Taking an oath to not letting it happen again in the future, Kaizo has been confining and restricting Fang's involvement in certai...

Clashing Blades (Levi X OC)by Devilish_red
OC, named Ireen, is another childhood friend of Eren, just a year older (or so what they thought). Living in a forest separated from the main town of Shiganshina Distric...