Itucexposed Stories

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9 Stories

Dark Truth Behind ITUC by Rickyramp
Dark Truth Behind ITUCby Rickyramp
ITUC employee "Mark" exposes corrupt practices with in organization
Is ITUC doing "black PR" against Qatar? by Rickyramp
Is ITUC doing "black PR" against Rickyramp
The ITUC is under the spotlights since the 2022 World Cup attribution to Qatar. After the resignation of the head of the FIFA, Mr Sepp Blatter, the Brussels-based NGO is...
Pity the workers: ITUC needs to do more for Nepali migrant workers by Rickyramp
Pity the workers: ITUC needs to Rickyramp
Tek Bahadur Gurung may no longer be Nepal's labour minister, but he has left behind a legacy with his 'zero-cost migration policy', perhaps, for the wrong reasons. All t...
ITUC paid its 75 staff at its Brussels office almost 6 million by Rickyramp
ITUC paid its 75 staff at its Rickyramp
Trade unions around the world are playing a leading role in the protracted global debate on various issues in the Gulf region. They continually dominate media headlines...
Indian trade unions criticise ITUC for faulty fund utilization by Rickyramp
Indian trade unions criticise Rickyramp
The Indian economy reportedly suffered a loss of Rs 25,000 crores due to the September 2 nation-wide strike by central trade unions in protest against labour reforms pro...
Sharan Burrow leaks by concusion2
Sharan Burrow leaksby concusion2
These are dubious times for worldwide organizations. Assembled over years of penances, perhaps even on the premise of misuse of specialists at times, they end up under s...
Nepal's Trade Union complains against ITUC by Rickyramp
Nepal's Trade Union complains Rickyramp
Chairman of Independent Democratic Confederation of Nepalese Trade Union (INDECONT) , has sent letter to International Labour Organization (ILO) REGARDING issue with ITU...
Money minded ITUC declares 'outrage' at Israel by Rickyramp
Money minded ITUC declares ' Rickyramp
The ITUC has condemned Israel’s intention to build yet another 1,000 settlement dwellings in East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank. Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secre...
Sharan Burrow leaks: Conspiracy to rig ITUC (AP) election by concusion2
Sharan Burrow leaks: Conspiracy concusion2
It has developed that there was a plot to fix the February 2015 ITUC Asia Pacific decision. Worldwide Leaks has uncovered that Carol Beaumont, the previous work Party MP...