Empowered Guardians: Legends Ascen...by James_Neal21
In the mythical world of Edorian, a vast planet with three massive moons, powerful magicians, beings, knights, mages, and advanced conjurers coexist. The inhabitants of...
Live, Love, Laugh (James Neal Love...by Ell Parker
James Neal plays for the Vegas Golden Knights, he's married but nobody knows yet, he's about to become a father but nobody knows yet. Nobody except fellow teammate Marc...
Drafted, Love, Hockey Life.by Ell Parker
Ellie Lynch was adopted by Mark and Stormie Lynch after her parents died in a car crash when she was one. Ellie went off to PEI to play hockey at 15 whilst her siblings...
s k a t e || nhl fanfic versionby twinkling_fireflies
"The Olympics are strange."
A not-so-typical NHL short story.
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018 | twinkling_fireflies
The Art of Hockeyby Ashley
After not getting anywhere in the European art market Sophia moves in to her college friends apartment. This friend named Dakota also just happens to work with the Pitts...