#1Who is this boy? {Joshler}by Livianne13513Josh was walking in the forest and saw a boy in treehouse (i will try to write everyday)twentyonepilotsjoshlerforlifejoshlerstories+4 more #2Love Is Goneby spammer20054544A twenty one pilots fanfictiontylerplusjoshequalshappynesstwentyonepiloystop+2 more #3Antidote//Joshlerby Merryam17317In which Josh's dad happenes to be Tyler's sergeon - (trigger warning)tylerjosepphtyshtwentyonepilots+7 more #4Beggar //joshlerby Merryam1101"W-wait tyler" josh screamed But it was to late. ..tyler was gone.joshlerallthewayjoshlerforlifetylerjoseph+9 more