Jurassic Fight Club: An Alternate...by Tyrannus 27
This is a series of retellings based on the episodes of Jurassic Fight Club, a 1 season series. And may potentially include what if ideas for a season 2 of Jurassic Figh...
An American Lion's Huntby Monstrous Theropod
Panthera Atrox, The American Lion, was busy trying to hunt for it's meal, but little did it know, it was off for one heck of an adventure.
DBX3: Rexy vs Allosaurusby Monstrous Theropod
Jurassic World vs Jurassic Fight Club
The Rexy has escaped from the Lockwood Mansion, and now she's free, but when an Anomaly occurs, a New Predator arrives, Cloned vs L...