"Moratorium" || l.m. ||by dani_mcmski
In which Lalisa Manoban locked herself in her bedroom everyday.
"Moratorium" - a temporary prohibition of an activity.
"Beyond my bedroom door...

"Redemption" || l.m. ||by dani_mcmski
In which Lalisa Manoban is finally out of her bedroom, with her door unlocked.
"Redemption" -
"A whole new WORLD awaits me outside that door...

•F•R•I•E•N•D•S•by Cherry_pie🍒
ххх1: Яс яривал эрэгтэй эмэгтэй хоёр зүгээр жирийн найз гэж байдаггүй л байхгүй юу, дараа нь чамайг каи-д сайн болчихлоо гээд уйлаад ирвэл би лав гайхахгүй дэг
Би: Битги...