Akshara Kairaby sidneet x Pranbir2.6K1061Various OS on Aksharaaksharalovekaira+7 more AKSHARA - A Bundle Of OSby Hetakshi Jatin47.1K1.7K12An Imaginary ride from the worst to the bestabhinavgoenkasyrkkh+9 more PYAAR ❤️by sidneet x Pranbir23.6K1.1K8This is a story on our very beloved Abhimanyu and Akshara, #Abhira It will start from the Tilak ceremony Also it is based on the secrets they have kept from the familyaksharagoenkayrkkhriansh+9 more KAIRA KI CHHOTU SHERNIby A random person8.1K1933os on AKSHARACompletedkairakibetiaksharachhotusherni+13 more ABHIRA - ek dil heby A random person50.8K1.6K11Starts from Tilak ceremony With many secrets.Completedabhikshayrkkhgoenka+21 more