Kamen Rider Kenzan & Shinobi: Cros...by LandenRanger
While continuing on his journey to find his inner strength, Ren Akamichi visits a village of Ninja Society where he meets Rentaro Kagura and his sister, Iroha. Suddenly...
The Wind Swordsmen: Izuku Akamichiby Sonic Rider
A few years had passed since the Riders had saved the world. People started developing abilities dubbed quirks and soon villains popped up and heroes were made. Then whe...
Kamen Rider Kenzan: A Mythby Yuure
Kamen Rider Saber Fanfiction (OC X Kamen Rider Kenzan)
Kamio Towa is only an ordinary intern working for Biblio Utopia Publishing, until an unknown swordswoman attack he...
My Teams for Collab Storiesby Jeymis Peixoto
If anyone wants to make a collab story, here's some teams here.