The Elemental Tournament (Ninjago...by Archer
Join the 7 remaining Ninja on Tournament Island with an attempt to win Zane back. Kai, Cole, Jay, Lloyd, My OCs Alyssa, Blake, and Galaxycookie421's OC Lily Garmadon. Jo...
Ninjago: Oneshotsby Nightflower101
This book is dedicated to Ninjago characters. I am not going to except any Character X Readers, or Characters X OC. I do romantic ships, and friendships. I also do gen...
The Dastardly Misadventures of Lad...by MadameCrossMarian
So I was in a production of Arsenic and Old Lace with gender blind casting. Einstein was girl. I think we know how it goes from here. Thusly I present to you the bi-week...
"Prattfall..."by Robert E Gertz
In early 30's Hollywood Spike seeks to rescue a classic film from disaster and offers advice to a distant relative...While Drusilla pursues a career in the film industry...
ninjago: elemental Masters (Season...by aertyiou
what if all the elemental masters were ninja what if nelson was the new master of time what if nya was the water ninja at the beginning what if morro never became a ghos...