#1A New Life (Chap. 15) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.4K121katherenaurawitch+7 more #2A New Life (Chap. 22) (A witch lov...by Katie Charles1.7K151witcheslifeaura+7 more #3A New Life (Chap. 24) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.3K101lifenewdaren+7 more #4A New Life (Chap. 6) (a witch love...by Katie Charles1.5K161aurawarlockslife+7 more #5A New Life (Chap. 2) (a witch love...by Katie Charles1.8K181katherenlovelife+6 more #6A New Life (Chap. 13) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.5K121newwtichesromance+7 more #7A New Life (Chap. 21) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.2K111witchlifelove+7 more #8A New Life (Chap. 4) (a witch love...by Katie Charles1.6K111newromancemagic+7 more #9A New Life (Chap. 10) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.5K151lovedarenlife+7 more #10A New Life (Chap. 17) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.4K121magiclovewitch+7 more #11A New Life (Chap. 8) (a witch love...by Katie Charles1.4K141warlocknewmagic+7 more #12A New Life (Chap. 25, the final ch...by Katie Charles1.6K291newdarenwarlock+7 more #13A New Life (Chap. 1) (a witch love...by Katie Charles2.4K271warlockslifekatheren+6 more #14A New Life (Chap. 14) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.4K141warlockswitcheskatheren+7 more #15A New Life (Chap. 20) (A Witch Lov...by Katie Charles1.3K171lifewarlocknew+7 more #16A New Life (Chap. 12) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.5K141katherenwarlocksdaren+7 more #17The Wiccan Chosen One (The Sequel...by Katie Charles7.4K11617Katheren Whitney doesn't think that her life can get any better, she is engaged to the love of her life, Daren Coventry, and she is coming to terms with her heritage. Wi...wiccannewsequelwarlock+14 more #18A New Life (Chap. 9) (a witch love...by Katie Charles1.7K161loveromancekatheren+7 more #19A New Life (Chap. 16) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.3K161magiclovekatheren+7 more #20A New Life (Chap. 11) (a witch lov...by Katie Charles1.5K171magiclovewitches+7 more