Layton Mystery Journey: The Myster...by Matthew Austwick
This is a mysterious tale of one fateful afternoon which changed the fate of Katrielle Layton and Ernest Greeves after one time they went to the infamous "Mysteriou...
Professor Layton Oneshots by Snowflakesparklegore
These include one shots from Layton's Mystery Journey. These one shots contain ships, reader inserts, and etc. Feel free to request something.
Tales From Professor Layton: The B...by Aaron Chiplocke
"A true gentleman leaves no puzzle unsolved."
Or in this instance, no story untold.
Join me as I step once more into this beloved world, full of charming a...
Katrielle and the Onyx Gryphonby Kenathrel
Alexander Fox, heir to a decently-sized fortune and a company that produces military equipment for Britain, comes across a badly-injured Katrielle Layton. It turns out t...