#1Insomnia - TRIXYA FLUFFby hearteyestrixya18K5438Completedkatyazamolodchickovapearletkatya+14 more #2TRIXYA ONESHOTSby hearteyestrixya9.8K23910A compilation of short one-chapter trixya fics! Ranges from fluff to angst to anything that pops into my brain! Because it's my book, Debra, and not yours. Follow me on...violetchachkidragraceangst+13 more #3Colors// (TRIXYA FLUFF)by hearteyestrixya3.7K1594A Trixya High School AU - completed❤️Completedtrixieandkatyakatyazamohighschoolau+12 more #4The Love Of My Life by trixyastan8.2K1858A cute little high school lesbian story.dragracemonetxchangeshangela+17 more #5True Love by trixyastan2.7K864Just read it Mary.katyazamotrixyadarrienelake+22 more