"The Shattered Tale"-Delta Rune Th...by Katy Scene
(Temporarily without cover. Currently working on making a new original one, especially if I can continue writing first and THEN get into the feel of the story's continua...
The Untitled : Character Short Sto...by Katy Scene
Find out more info on the students at Lost Island High and other mysterious or crazy characters from the series by Kayla Baker and DragonRose27 known as "The Untitl...
The Untitled Seriesby Katy Scene
Unti doesn't remember her past, and desperately wants to find it... but she doesn't feel worthy of the hero role.
Jackie Sara remembers all-too-well what happened to her...
Short Story 1.0by Katy Scene
I guess this is what happens when you don't watch your step. Or what you say and do around others. Around me.
"But Nobody Came..."-Delta Rune Th...by Katy Scene
I woke up from a nightmare I had... it felt so weird, and yet so real.
..Have I... died before...?