King of fighters: The rise of kasu...by Gamingfan
Kasumi sorta got tried of just facing ryo and his karate team. So then she looks for a new challenge! so then her father guilded her to a fighter that she never fought b...
Happy Birthdayby Pastelmemeing
It's April 24th, or rather, Kento Kurou's Birthday.
For this blue headed teacher's Birthday, one certain student decides to throw him a little private surprise party.
A lost friendship.by Gamingfan
A fan made snk horror story that might change your feelings. Gamingfan meets kyo and athena and formed new team. Ever since after defeating otoma=raga they took a break...
Christmas timeby Gamingfan
We're at this time of the year again to celebrate christmas bring joy to the worlds and the reat will be explained later on.