Shinkaku Showa: The Secret of the...by Kagami Uchiha
Shinkaku Showa is a ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village who is a member of the Showa Clan. Ginkaku and Kinkaku were also members of the Showa Clan. And Shinkaku knew th...
SPS on the Shuzharh Systemby D.E.M
This is a fictive story about a group of 6 friends since childhood. In this story they will be going to a fictive Shuzharh Solar System. Reminder - The action is in 2221.
Tobirama Senju's Deathby FuriousShadow62
A one shot depicting the death of Tobirama Senju at the hands of Kinkaku and Ginkaku, famous missing ninja from Kumogakure, this one shot is how I imagine this particula...