When You're High on Lifeby Bryan Egelhoff's Animation Te...
When the G3 Cartel invades the Earth and begins selling the human race as drugs, it's up to a young and inexperienced man named Derek Parrson to become a bounty hunter a...
Smile :)by PollySenpai
In which a girl falls in love, gets her heart smashed in two, and can only manage one solution...
[ I'm planning to make this short, but if I'm happy with the ending, I...
High on life x reader oneshotsby Writerwave
That's right, HIGH ON LIFE X READERS, why? Because fuck you, that's why.
Kenny x Fem!Alien! Reader x Geneby Kenny fans
A female version of the male reader, with a twist.
This doesn't follow the plotline of the OG, consider it a spinoff.