The Tiger, The Dragon and The Wolf...by AzraelYT
After moving back to his hometown, Ren Saikawa and his new friend Ryuji Takasu are suddenly forced to help Taiga Aisaka who could hit you without a second thought, with...
Toradora: Upon Her Returnby Izuku Damus Dragneel
Just a little story about what happened after Taiga came back from her year away from Ryuuji and her friends. Because I found the original ending sucked and left me want...
Ghosts and UFO's - Toradoraby AMBER
An alternate ending to Toradora, where Taiga wasnt found in the best state after her accident in the snow.
Toradora! X M!Readerby InconsistentUpdater
You grew up in the same town as Yusaku Kitamura and Ami Kawashima, those two being your best friends throughout elementary school.
Your dad was a delinquent and abandone...