Resisting Temptation (A Kyoya Ooto...by Sindersalight
Seina Kamei is the first female heir to the Kamei Technological Group. She is strong and smart and beautiful. At 16, she is on track to be the wealthiest and most succes...
Pregnant Haruhi but who's the fath...by Hailey
Haruhi is pregnant she remembers who the father is because it was in the host club, none of the guys remember one of the five men got haruhi pregnant she is a full time...
The Black Notebook ~Kyoya Fanfic~by Its_me_B
Sometimes being the clumsiest girl in this extraordinary academy, like Ouran, isn't the easiest. But for Soyagui Takisha, nothing was easy. Coming from an orphanage, int...
~A Fintastic Club~ (Vumbreon x OHS...by Vumbreon
A new transfer student has a secret. And its a deadly one. When he meets the Ouran Host Club, Things get a little strange...That is until his sister arrives. Together th...
Skool Luv Affair (A ohshc X Male...by Oliver Lix
What if Haruhi had a male friend that was there with her from the start? He was basically her family because he didn't have any family. He had lost them in a tragic acci...
Ouran highschool fanficby Shana Chang
Ouran highschool has some new students!!! And new girl uniforms... (finally!)