The Fifth Pierrot's Birthdayby Allison Cox
The Fifth Pierrot, or his real name Lemy Abelard, is having his birthday on June 3rd.
Now with a 2023 chapter.

Lemy Abelard's Trialby Cleopatra Yuki
Lemy Abelard, also known as the Fifth Pierrot, is about to have his trial for all the crimes he and his foster mother Julia Abelard have committed in Lucifenia. He is ac...

Bringing Deep-Sea Girl Back To Lifeby Allison Cox
Soleil doesn't have the power to bring back modules that took their own lives yet. And she really wants to help Deep-Sea Girl out, which was one of those modules. The fu...

Deep-Sea Girl Rescues Alexielby Allison Cox
Deep-Sea Girl, or her real name Shelby, her family, and Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche are in Haou's castle to find Alexiel. However, there's a dragon after them. Will they...

Finding Starmine Part 1/5by Allison Cox
Lemy, Deep-Sea Girl, Agitation, Ciel, Delusion Girl Miku, School Wear Rin, and School Wear Len try to find Starmine in Dark World. But they also find trouble along the w...

P4D Style's Birthdayby Allison Cox
P4D Style, or her real name Genesis Biscoe, is having her birthday on December 20th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.

Regret And Marionette Meet Rin Chanby Allison Cox
While taking a walk in the park with their friend Lemy Abelard, Regret and Marionette meet Lemy's childhood friend.
This is a one-shot.

Alexiel's Missing?!by Allison Cox
Deep-Sea Girl and her family finds out that Alexiel Lucifen d'Autriche is missing. And it looks like Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche needs their help in finding him. Will the...

Alexiel And Riliane Find Out About...by Allison Cox
The family of Deep-Sea Girl go to Riliane and Alexiel's castle to tell them about the Miku module's suicide.
This is a one-shot.

Deep-Sea Girl's Birthdayby Allison Cox
Deep-Sea Girl, or her real name Shelby Gills, is having her birthday on June 12th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.

Lemy Abelard And Regret's Dateby Allison Cox
Lemy Abelard and Regret, or her real name Ritsuko Fuyuma, have their first date together.
This is a one-shot.

Julia Abelard's Birthdayby Jaden & Judai Yuki
Julia Abelard is having her birthday on April 16th.
Now with a 2023 chapter.
This story was written by Jaden.

Deep-Sea Girl And Alexiel Lucifen...by Allison Cox
Deep-Sea Girl, or her real name Shelby Gills, and Alexiel Lucifen d'Autriche are about to get married. And everyone is invited.
This is a one-shot.

Rin Chan's Birthdayby Jaden & Judai Yuki
Rin Chan is having her birthday on April 27th.
Now with a 2022 chapter.

Lemy's Choiceby Allison Cox
When Lemy returns back home after attempting to kill Kokutan Douji, he is confronted by Deep-Sea Girl and her family. His master also gives them a visit.
This is a one-s...

What Will Lemy And Deep-Sea Girl F...by Jaden & Judai Yuki
Lemy and Deep-Sea Girl are paired up in trying to find their friends. Will they find what they're looking for? Or will they run into trouble?
This is a one-shot.
This st...