The Invitationby Aussiegurl1234
Based on the movie The Invitation; this short story follows Alice Thornton who just discovered she is a distant cousin to the Beaumont family in Cordonia. Her new found...
Apple Crispby Riley Mason-Beaumont
Imagine if Maxwell Beaumont had traveled to New York weeks ahead of the bachelor party. What if he and Riley met beforehand?
A spinoff from Choices The Royal Romance whe...
Black Silkby Aussiegurl1234
15 months after marrying Liam and becoming a vampire, Alice is finally able to invite her best friend to Cordonia. Delilah arrives with a list of questions that nobody s...
Return From The Big Appleby Riley Mason-Beaumont
The epic TRR crew has gone their separate ways. Maxwell and Riley have split apart just before the wedding. Fast forward over seventeen years later to the heart of New Y...
The Heir Apparentby beeps
Cordonia was celebrating good news: Duchess Riley Brooks-Walker was pregnant and expecting to give birth to the royal heir soon. However, a car accident on the way back...