It's Pleasant... Yet Hauntingby ICantGetOutOfIron
The story revolves around Gion, an Italian prince, and his soulmate, Livio, and both have met by chance, or rather, fate. Gion refuses to feel the emotions, while Livio...
Prince Series: A Perfect Symphony...by miminsakura
A special gift for my beloved friend, Faline, and to celebrate all the delicious Livion we have been given in K25! This story takes place in my self-indulgent Sweetheart...
Audience is Me, and Me onlyby ICantGetOutOfIron
In which it's the Chinese New Year, and Gion and Livio have been invited over to play cards. It goes downhill (or maybe it doesn't).
Crossposted from my account on ao3.
TREACHERYby Aanuoluwapo
This is just an Anthology of different poems I wrote. very creative and many of the poems here are filled with messages you should decode and try see into it and find t...
Shall We Ever Meet Againby ICantGetOutOfIron
What would his life have been like if he never had met Livio?
A sip of coffee, and a long time of thoughts.