My Long Time Blue-Haired Crush (Ma...by Hikari Subaru
Shizuru Fujino was rescued by a blue haired person when she was a child. Ever since then, she can't get the blue haired savior out of her mind, will she ever find out wh...
just once {Complete}by Kirin
Arika Yumemia x Sergey Wong
arika just wanted to say goodbye.
i have seen almost nothinh with this pairing so i thought why the hell not.
Popcornby Ssapril
A funny one-shot fanfiction.
This is an alternate universe of Mai-Hime made by yours truly.
Note #1: Akira grew up in America.
Note #2:Takumi just transferred from Japa...
Hime War Was Overby Ssapril
Here is another one-shot fanfiction made by yours truly.
It started when the HIme war was over. Takumi and Akira's time with each other is getting more and more limited...