Essential Water Purification Metho...by Marjan
A simple and inexpensive way to prevent disease is to purify drinking water with these essential water purification methods.

Are Plastics a Boon or a Curse?by Marjan
As plastic microfibers travel up the food chain, scientists are urgently trying to determine just how much damage plastics are causing.

A Priceless Nugget of Wisdomby Marjan
A Guide to Fasting, Detoxification, Natural Healing and a Mountain Moving Life! No one should lead a debilitated life for lack of this vital information.

Science and the Marvels of Fastingby Marjan
Researchers at MIT and other reputable institutions have conducted a series of studies that have confirmed several of fasting's benefits.

Color me Yellow, Color me Red, Col...by Marjan
The multi-billion dollar food industry also understands that "eye appeal creates buy appeal", therefore they combine bright colors with imagery and deceptive p...

Essential Skin Careby Marjan
Called the third kidney, the skin is our largest elimination organ. Without skin we would die.

The Experiment Poisoning Americaby Marjan
Without our consent, we, the people have become guinea pigs in the largest experiment in human history.

Voting with your Wallet is the Fut...by Marjan
An easy-to-use, nonpartisan and centralized website could become a profoundly influential tool for conscientious voters. Who is going to raise this standard?

Can We Trust Food and Beverage Lab...by Marjan
Current food and beverage labelling requirements are exceedingly slack and consumers have a difficult time determining their integrity.

The Reason I Writeby Marjan
The reason I write is because I feel compelled to share the valuable and sometimes crucial knowledge I've gained with family, friends, and with anyone who cares about th...

The Grape Fastby Marjan
Grape fasting has long been known as an effective approach to detoxification, rejuvenation and natural healing. All it takes is eating 4 to 6 pounds of organic grapes a...