A Hogwarts Legend: Changing Paths...by MLE
The Third Book in the Hogwarts Legend series
Emily's third year is fast approaching and it's not going to be any less stressful than the last. With her parents dead, she...
A Hogwarts Legend: Chaos Begins [4...by MLE
The Fourth Book in the Hogwarts Legend series
Emily Potter's fourth year is in session and she's ready to relax and focus on her new found powers. But it's Hogwarts, so...
A Hogwarts Legend: The First Step...by MLE
The First Book in the Hogwarts Legend series
Emily has a simple life, living next to her best friend, being free. Will this all change when she goes to Hogwarts? The pla...
A Hogwarts Legend: Round Two [2]by MLE
The Second Book in the Hogwarts Legend series
Emily is going into her second year at Hogwarts with all of her friends. She's ready for a calm peaceful year after the las...