Marvel memes and Comics by Dudeiamagirl
"I am bored! I have nothing to do! What should I do?!"
"you could always check out this book! It has lots of MCU madness like memes comic images"

Compos Mentisby LeeAsali
We all do our best. We all work with reason. We all try our hardest.
Within that sentiment consists just enough madness to keep us going.

Estuant interius ira vehementiby Ielenna
Personne ne se serait jamais douté à Poudlard que derrière la silhouette voûtée et discrète d'Emeric se cachait une ombre dévorante. Celle d'un passé qui lui rappelait s...

Ludo Mentis Aciemby Ielenna
September 1998, little Kate Whisper is beginning her first year at Hogwarts, determined to discover a world she couldn't enjoy during the Dark Lord's tyranny, locked up...