The Infamous Life of Midori Gurinby Gwenisanalien
The life of the infamous, "fan-based" anime girl, Midori Gurin.
The chapters in this will be short (>300 words), but there will hopefully be alot
The Life of Midori Gurinuby Nerdy Fangirl
This story is about the life of the one and only MIDORI GURINUUUUUUUUU in the universe of Jay's(Kubz scouts) Computer. You can get to see/read about her life
Enough bull...
VARIOUS! Yandere simulator x Gem-chan/otaku-chan
In this you have the opportunity to date various of diffrent characthers from the game well except for teachers and etc (including Mida Rana and Muja Kina) Sence i'm not...