Gender/sexuality terms 1by Techno29015Sources: Mogaipedia Genderpedia Lgbta wiki Tumblr Instagram + morelgbtpridemogaigendermogai+4 more Lgbta wiki terms and identitiesby Techno30024All terms are from the lgbta wiki I don't claim ownership of coining these terms Started: March 9th 2021 Ended: N/Amogaisexualitylgbtlgbtprideflag+8 more My label hoard by AshRonto8526This is where I am putting al my labels bc I hoard themmogaimogaidefinitionmogaisexualitydefinitions+7 more Pride flags, definitions, and AshRonto154044This is a continuation of the first bookmogaigenderdefinitionssexualitydefinitionsmogaisexuality+7 more Pride flags, definitions and AshRonto1.6K14200It's exactly what It saysmogaigendermogaigenderdefinitions+9 more