It's 2014 Hawaii!! Jazzy picks up Meowcy, Addie, Kymberlin, and George so they run away to the forest. They all end up getting tan and going to a party, they meet their...

It's weird here-SHARKS by KYMBERLIN🚀💜
It's 2014 Hawaii!! Kymberlin and Addie go to hula practice while Meowcy is fixing not just cleaning her room. Addie and Kym meet George at hula practice while another gu...

Coming back-SHARKSby KYMBERLIN🚀💜
It's 2014 Hawaii!! Kymberlin and her friends see Jazzy chasing them at the party, Jazzy, Sushi, and Amy are chasing them. Jazzy hurts Addie really bad so Addie turns bac...

Taking over RR-Sharksby KYMBERLIN🚀💜
3 kids are best friends in 2014 Hawaii named Kymberlin Curt, Meowcy Village, and Addie Al, the trio meets these other 3 girls named Jazzy, Amy, and Ding but both of the...