Return of the Ghost (Sequel to A F...by Moonaline
17 years since the Ghost Crew left the Rebellion. No one but the Empire has heard from them until Ashoka lets out a distress signal, and the nearest freighter to reach i...
To All The Stars Above Usby OCoileain
Mo knew what pain felt like. She had felt it in her best friends heart for a year after his parents were killed by the Empire. Ezra always felt happier around her and sh...
Star Wars Rebels in The Little Mer...by AspiringDreamCatcher
Moreena Krai is the princess of the underwater kingdom of Alderaan. One day, she falls in love with the human Prince of Lothal. She gives up her beautiful voice for a pa...
Faithfullyby AspiringDreamCatcher
When Ezra and his friends are given a mission to take down a Zygerrian slave trader, he thought things won't be a problem. But, he's wrong. When he learns he's going to...