Quotes, To Relate Toby FREE CHOCOLATES! :D
Quotes you can relate to!
Good for emo dudes and gals (;-_-)
A way to inspire some random dudes (''''O_O)
Basically, something that all you teens are doing and relate to...
Random shit I do and say on daily...by Kat
This is a book of stuff that happened to me, some stuff I said or did. This book's purpose is to make you laugh, I don't mean to disrespect anyone.
Rank 2th {pengalaman} (13-11-2019)
Rank 1th {nasehat} (13-11-2019)
Rank 7th {kata kata} (14-11-2019)
Rank 5th {pengalaman} (14-11-2019)
Rank 4th {kata kata} (19-11-2019)...