Loak and Neteyam fluff and smutby tomkaulitzwiifee197K9941918++ the Title says it allloaksmutavatarwayofwateravatar+11 more ATWOW SMUT by druskisfatass2.6K32REQUESTS OPEN My first time writing anything so be kind and feel free to give advice! ‼️‼️read disclaimer on 1st chapter‼️‼️neytiriwateravatarthewayofwater+18 more Neteyam x y/n (smut)by Sarah Buczynski58701Idk I love you guys❤️🧸lovethisfupneteyamsmut+1 more ♡Neteyam Imagines♡by 3 musketeers73011Aging him up to 17 ♡ (fluff )♡ ♡(possibly sum smut🤭)♡imaginesloakavatar+4 more