Ninja Weapons: The World's Finest...by
The ninja weapons are used by the ninjas that roam Japan's countryside and help protect the people from evil forces that want to destroy Japan. The art of ninjutsu is an...
Can Nunchucks Hurt Someone? Discov...by Maria Zoe
The history of the nunchaku is not well known, since there are no clear records about its creation. Most people believe that it was created in Okinawa during the 17th ce...
An Introduction to Some Cool Ninja...by
In the past, a ninja was typically defined as a Japanese warrior or part of a group of special forces who used stealth and specialized weapons to attack their enemies. T...
Shurikens Were Popular Among Ninja...by Maria Zoe
The term "Ninja" first appeared in the 14th century. In this period, ninjas were highly regarded professionals who used unorthodox methods to complete their mi...
How to play Nunchucks: Basic Techn...by
Nunchucks are a traditional martial arts weapon and self-defense device consisting of two sticks connected at one end by a short chain or rope. The "sticks" ar...
Nunchucks: The Right Way to Use Fi...by Maria Zoe
Nunchucks are an ancient, traditional weapon that originated in China. They consist of two wooden, metal, or plastic sticks connected by a short length of rope or chain...