Noblehouseofcarey Stories

30 Stories

The Three Eldest Daughters of  The Marchioness of  Pembroke Territory by ladykarissa
The Three Eldest Daughters of Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell
Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell has five daughters and this about her three eldest daughters, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard, Lady Samhain Wilh...
The Three Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory by JenniferElizabethAnd
The Three Eldest Daughters of Jennifer Elizabeth Anderson
Welcome to Chapter Ten of Three Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory and in this chapter I will cover the love interest of Lady Caroline Matilda Car...
The Three Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory-Chapter-12 by AnastasiaChristinaSt
The Three Eldest Daughters of Anastasia Christina Stafford
Welcome to Chapter 12 of The Three Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory on Star Base 12 and Happy 2023 New Year and thank you for joining us. I am...
The Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory Chapter Five by AnnalenElizabeth
The Eldest Daughters of The Annalen Elizabeth Stanton
Welcome to The Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory on Star Base 12 and this is a chapter of the NobleHouseofHowardSaga2023.
The Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory Part Four by Ladybythelake54
The Eldest Daughters of The Susan Elizabeth Howard
Welcome to Chapter Four of The Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory on Star Base 12.
The Three Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory by ElizabethCharlotte55
The Three Eldest Daughters of Elizabeth Charlotte Anderson
Welcome to Chapter Three of The NobleHouseofHowardSaga2023. We hope you enjoy our newest saga for 2023.
The Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory Part Two by SandraPatriciaWellin
The Daughters of The Marchioness Sandra Patricia Wellington
Welcome to our new NobleHouseofHowardSaga for 2023. This is Part Two of The Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory on Star Base 12.
The Three Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory  Chap 13-3 by VictoriaElizabethSco
The Three Eldest Daughters of Victoria Elizabeth Scott
Welcome to The Three Eldest Daughters of The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory and I have the joy doing chapter 13 and Part Three of Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II and The C...
Countdown To Yuletide on Star Base 12 I by ladykarissa
Countdown To Yuletide on Star Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell
Countdown to Yuletide on Star Base 12 is a series of Historical Romance Star Trek Stories written down by various writers that collaborate with me
Count Down To Yuletide on Star Base 12:  Chapter 8: Yuletide Interlude by AnnalenElizabeth
Count Down To Yuletide on Star Annalen Elizabeth Stanton
Yuletide is a joyful time at Beltane Manor with Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, Marchioness of Pembroke Terr...
CountDown To Yuletide On Star Base 12 -Chapter 6 by PenelopeAnatasiaStaf
CountDown To Yuletide On Star Penelope Anatasia Stafford
It is Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory 41st birthday along with Lady Anastasia Christina Howard, Duchess of Northampton Territory 6th birthday. It...
Count Down To Yuletide on Star Base 12 Chapter Five by MaryElizabethJohnson
Count Down To Yuletide on Star Mary Elizabeth Johnson
Count Down to Yuletide on Star Base 12 Chapter Five is a continuation of The Noble HouseofHowardSaga. Please read Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three and Chapter Fou...
Count Down To Yuletide  on Star Base 12 -Chapter 4 by Ladybythelake54
Count Down To Yuletide on Star Susan Elizabeth Howard
Count Down To Yuletide on Star Base 12 Chapter 4 is a part of The NobleHouseofHowardSaga and Please read Chapter One, Chapter Two, and Chapter Three.
Countdown to Yuletide Chapter Three by ElizabethCharlotte55
Countdown to Yuletide Chapter Threeby Elizabeth Charlotte Anderson
This is Chapter Three of The Countdown to Yuletide on Base 12. Please read Chapter One and Chapter Two and thank you.
Count Down To Yuletide on Star Base 12  Part Two by SandraPatriciaWellin
Count Down To Yuletide on Star Sandra Patricia Wellington
This is the second chapter of Count Down to Yuletide on Star Base 12.
CountDownToYuletideOnStarBase12: The First Yuletide at Beltane Manor by VirginiaDavis3
CountDownToYuletideOnStarBase12: Virginia Davis
Beltane Manor is the new ancestry home of Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard and it in the territory of Bedford on Star Base 12. Lord Richa...
Countdown To Yuletide on Star Base 12 ; Chapter 10 : Yuletide at York Manor by VirginiaElizabethDav
Countdown To Yuletide on Star Virginia Elizabeth Davis
The Howard's come together for Yuletide and it's Day Three. Yuletide will be celebrated out at York Territory with Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, Lady Sarah and Lady Fre...
Count Down To Yuletide Chapter 17- Part III - Pembroke Castle by AnastasiaChristinaSt
Count Down To Yuletide Chapter Anastasia Christina Stafford
Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard and Lord Richard William Carey and their children finally make it to Pembroke Territory on December 23, and th...
Chapter 14: Countdown To Yuletide on Star Base 12 by ladybythelake55
Chapter 14: Countdown To Elizabeth Ann Lowell
All the Becks, Carey's and Howard's come together to celebrate Yuletide at Beltane Manor in Bedford Territory on Star Base 12.
CountDownToYuletideonStarBase12: Chapter 11 The First Yuletide by VictoriaElizabethSco
CountDownToYuletideonStarBase12: Victoria Elizabeth Scott
Lord Patrick William Howard and his wife, Lady Margaret Penelope Devereux and their son, Lord Frederick William Howard celebrate the First Yuletide on Star Base 12 with...